Quality sleep is something that almost everyone can agree we sometimes do not get. It might be due to work, studies, or unforeseen circumstances. While it’s okay for a while, when it becomes a daily thing, it can be detrimental to our health. Sleep is essential for clarity and growth. That’s why in this read, we are going to give a few tips on how to get better sleep:
1. Power Down
The light from your devices, phone, tablet, or digital watch might disrupt your sleep.
Tip: be sure to keep away from devices, your Pc, TVs, or any blue light devices for an hour
preferably before going to bed.
2. Nix Naps
Your body gets better rest at night. Only snooze for about 20 minutes or even less. Naps are
recommended for only the early part of the day.
Tip: Use tactics like taking a walk or drinking a glass of iced water or a phone call to avoid
midday fatigue.
3. Block Your Clock
Stealing glances at your clock can lead you into thinking about the day to come which can
make you lose sleep for the better part of the night.
Tip: Place your alarm clock away from you, like in a drawer or under your bed to avoid this.
4. Try a Leg Pillow for Back Pain
Even if it is just mild pain in your back, it might affect the restful phases of your sleep cycle.
To sleep better, placing a pillow between your legs might ease the tension.
Tip: Place a pillow under your knees to help relieve the stress on your back.
5. Put Your Neck in ‘Neutral’
If you wake up with a stiff neck, it is your pillow’s fault. The pillow right size should be right
in the middle in size, not too fat, and not too flat. This helps support the curve of your neck when lying on your back on your natural mattress. If you sleep on your side, it’s advisable to make sure that your nose
is in line with the center of your body. Not that sleeping on your stomach twists your neck.
Tip: Be sure to use the correct body posture before bed. Avoid craning your neck while
watching TV as well.
6. Seal Your Mattress
Your mattress can cause subtle sleep interruptions such as causing you to sneeze or itch or
even sniffle. Your mattress can be filled with mold, dust, or other allergy triggers. To avoid
this, it is important to seal your mattress and your pillows.
Tip: Use plastic, airtight, and dustproof covers to do the sealing.
7. Save Your Bed for Sleep and Sex
Do not use your bed to sit or work or even watch the internet. Read this article comparing Avocado bed frames.
Tip: for most people, the best sleep temperature is estimated to be between 68-72 degrees.
8. Set Your Body Clock
Keep a usual sleeping routine closely at the same time every single day including the
weekends. This ensures a healthy snooze-wake schedule as it sticks into your body and brain.
This also minimizes the struggle into getting to sleep at night.
Tip: The bright light in the morning helps your body wake up, stand in that light for the
first 30 minutes as soon as you wake up.
9. Look for Hidden Caffeine
Coffee works well for most people in the morning. But as soon as midday reaches do not take
caffeinated drinks. Even small traces of caffeine in chocolate can affect your sleep at night.
Tip: Consider reading the labels on weight loss pills, they might contain caffeine.