A water bottle bong is a great way to smoke cannabis on the go. They’re perfect for running out of other smoking equipment or needing a quick fix!
You can make a homemade bong from any plastic water bottle. But if you’re feeling creative, you can do more than fill it with weed and smoke. What sounds like a water bottle bong is made from an old water bottle. It would help if you didn’t use a water bottle bong as your primary smoking device. It shouldn’t even be a piece you utilize more than once. Instead, using a water bottle bong is a last-ditch effort if you’re in a bind and don’t have any other options. Making a water bottle bong is a simple, fast, and compelling solution if you ever find yourself in this predicament. Add a Downstem
Downstems are one of the least discussed parts of bongs, but they are essential in filtering smoke and helping make your experience smoother. With one, your smoke will reach the water inside the chamber of your water bottle bong, and filtration will be much less efficient.
For this reason, finding a downstream that is the right size for your bong is crucial. To do this, start by measuring the stem length from the frosted joint to the bottom of the branch using a pencil or a ruler.
Once you know the size of your downstem, use a sharp blade or scissors to cut a hole slightly above the water line on the side of your water bottle bong. This will be where you insert your downstream.
Add a Bowl
Every stoner, at one point or another, has found themselves in a pinch where they don’t have their usual smoking accessory handy. In those situations, the cannabis community is incredibly creative and ingenious when throwing together makeshift smoking devices.
Water bottle bongs are a great example of this ingenuity. These impromptu bongs are simple to make and can be used whenever you are in a pinch.
First, take a clean water bottle with the plastic outer packaging removed. Next, make a hole in the bottom of the bottle that is large enough to fit a pen pipe.
Add a Stopper
Water bottle bongs are a fun, creative way to smoke cannabis without an actual glass bong. However, they are not meant to be permanent, repeated-use smoking tools.
Using thin plastic materials to make smoking devices can pose health risks, so using them in an emergency is best.
To create a stopper, make a hole in the bottom third of your bottle with a lighter. This will create a vacuum that pulls the weed smoke into your bottle and sucks it into your mouthpiece.
Add a Mouthpiece
A mouthpiece is a crucial component of any bong. It enables the user to inhale the smoke and clear it from their lungs for a smooth hit.
Cut a hole at the bottom using a sharp object to add a mouthpiece to your water bottle bong. You want to make it big enough for the bowl piece to fit snugly without letting air in or out.
Once the hole is cut, stick the bowl piece into it and fill the bottle with water so the work is submerged. The water will depend on how much smoke you want in each hit.
Add a Bubbler
A bubbler is a great accessory for those who love filtering their weed with water. Typically, you’ll find this in-store at dispensaries and on the internet.
They’re also a fun way to customize your smoking device. They come in various shapes, forms, and styles and can be made from materials you already have around your house.
Adding a bubbler to your water bottle bong is one of the most straightforward ways to customize this smoking device. You only need a plastic water bottle, a garden hose, and adhesive to seal it together.
This DIY bubbler pipe is a great one-time emergency solution, but it can pose some health risks over long periods. If you want a long-term smoking device, investing in a glass bong is best.