In a few states, you can purchase a short-term insurance policy. This type of policy covers you only for the day you drive. In most states, you must carry at least liability coverage to drive on public property. If you want to purchase a policy for a shorter period, you can find a short-term policy online. You will need to meet a few conditions, though. These conditions include being at least 21 years old, not having more than six points on your license, and no previous accidents.
Most drivers think they’re already covered when renting a vehicle from a rental agency. However, most of these agencies assume that drivers have their own insurance. The insurance that comes with a rental car policy is typically substandard coverage and has astronomical rates. One-day auto insurance is much better for this situation. Getting a policy will only take a few minutes. You’ll need to provide personal and vehicle information, and any additional drivers, as needed.
While some reputable insurance companies do not offer one-day car insurance policies, you can get coverage for a day by using a short-term auto insurance policy. This type of insurance is useful if you need to drive someone else’s car, but you want to make sure that you contact the owner’s insurance provider first. Generally, unauthorized drivers are covered by the owner’s auto insurance.