Your feelings may be accurate if you report an automobile accident and then feel like someone is watching you. Some insurance companies occasionally pay private detectives to take pictures of or observe a person hurt in an accident, though this practice is more typical in workers’ compensation claims. The insurance provider may reject the claim and save money if the investigator can prove that the person’s injuries are not as severe as they are alleged to be.
Since they are for-profit organisations, insurance firms look into each claim to some extent. Vehicle accident claims are more likely to be verified by the insurer if a lot of money is at stake.
Insurance investigators are aware of their legal options when following an accident victim. They cannot enter your home or trespass on your property without your consent. You might never be aware that a private investigator for insurance has been watching you or digging into your background. Knowing what to do following a car accident and what an investigator might do after you submit an injury claim is therefore necessary.
After a severe collision caused by another driver, seek the advice of the experienced attorneys at Delventhal Law Office, LLC.
Can the Insurance Company Legally Monitor You After an Accident?
Most of the time, it is not prohibited for an insurance investigator to observe or take pictures of you while they are on public grounds. Legally, it is the same as if someone were to watch you pass by a store or on the sidewalk. Even a law enforcement officer on the street observing you via an open window at your house is most likely not breaking the law. They are prohibited from taking pictures out of a house’s window.
However, a private area where you might reasonably anticipate privacy is a bathroom, a bedroom, or a doctor’s or attorney’s office. In these areas, an investigator should not be watching you.
You are not required to respond to an investigator’s inquiries, provide them access to your house, or allow them to enter your property. Presenting yourself as someone you are not, such as a police officer, is against the law when an investigator is conducting an investigation. A person is trespassing on your property if you ask an investigator to leave, and they refuse. There should be a police report filed.