Hateful Hoops: Can you imagine being a Losslessadorno9to5mac? You’re not really welcome there and you don’t want to be associated with it. But there is hope! There are some good things about being a black man in video games and specificallyviolent video gaming, because they have many positive aspects to them. In fact, one of the best parts about being a black man in this digital age is that we already have plenty of opportunities for good in our everyday lives. From social outings to personal growth, here is what being a black man in video games has to offer us.
The Art of Video Games
This is the man behind the man and the machine. No, not the games, the man behind the games. The best thing about being a black man in video games is that you get to interact with a wide range of characters. Developers have created a world in which every character is different, and that makes each one pop out as if he or she were made for us. Every character has something to offer and if you are a black person in this day and age, you are likely going to enjoy playing as many different characters as possible. Check out all the characters in Dark Souls, and the diverse range of personalities that can be found on each of them. The game mechanics of video games are often very unpredictable, and that is what makes these games fun to play. If you don’t like games that are unpredictable, you might enjoy a more predictable type of game. Be careful though, sometimes games are just meant to be difficult and you will have a hard time getting through them. At worst, you might get frustrated and have to put the game down. But for the most part, you will enjoy playing as many different characters as possible and have a lot of fun doing so.
Think Different from the norm
Just as each of the aspects of being a black man in video games speak of hope, so too do the different types of thinking. Different games might have different plotlines and themes, but regardless of the type of game you are playing, characters will always have a reason for being there. One of the best things about being a black man in video games is that you do not see your character as an object. You see them as a person, with feelings and thoughts. Every character has an edge that makes them stand out from the rest, and that edge is their reason for being there in the first place. Some characters are even more unique than the rest, and that is because they are black. These characters have a reason for being there in the first place and that reason is usually found in the comments section of the game. While you will rarely see the same character in a different color for different reasons, there is always a reason for being there.
Help Others
Helping other people in need is one of the best things you can do in life. Whether you are sending out a doodle to a friend in need or helping them out with a project, helping out as a black man in games will always be a great thing to do. In fact, it is likely that you will play as many games as you can in your lifetime as a result of helping other people. The possibilities on how many games you can help open up as you age are endless. You can help with chores, with school tours, helping out with job search or even helping a friend who is in need of help.
Play Cool Games
Play cool games. Now, most of us know that this is a no-brainer, but for those who are not sure what kind of games you should play, the saying “you are what you eat” can be applied here. In actual fact, there is a little trick to eating well that will help you eat less than you think you should. Excessive intake of sugar, fat and carbohydrates will lead to fatty inflammation in your body which will contribute to body-injury from frequent barefoot salespeople getting in your face and throwing pies at you.
Play Games with Your Friends
No one wants to be the cause of a social pull-out, but being a part of a group is certainly better than being the victim. There are plenty of social games online where you are not the only person who is having fun. You can join groups on Facebook, work on hobbies together or socialize with other black people in your area. It is even better if the games are fun and smart.
Take Control of your Life
If you are not having a good day, it might as well be your own. Being a black man in video games will make you feel normal and happy, making you feel as though you can take care of yourself as well as the rest of the world. You will no longer look down on people as you used to, as you will be respected for who you are as well as what you can do. You will be encouraged to share your thoughts and feelings with those you meet. You will also be allowed to take risks and take action as a black man in video games does not have to be afraid of anything.
Get to Know Others in a New Way
Being a part of a group is always a better way to get to know others in a new way. You can socialize with others of your age group and share your interests. You can also go out for dinner and meet new people at clubs. This is sure to make you feel welcome and accepted as a member of a community. In fact, being part of a community can be the best way to meet other people of your age group. You are likely going to feel as though you are part of a family now that you are part of something larger. You are likely to feel as though you are part of a community now that you are part of something larger.
Make Great Time with Your Friends
You are going to spend every waking moment with your friends. You are going to spend quality time with them as well as the time you get. This is the most important thing you can do for yourself. It’s important to find people you can socialize with and spend quality time with. It is also important to get enough sleep so that you are not physically or mentally exhausted from all the activities that come with being a black man in video games.
Being a black man in video games is nothing short of magical. The opportunities that this has to offer are simply too great to ignore. The possibilities are simply too many to keep up with. The only way to take control of your life is to get started today. Get your act together and get started taking care of yourself while you are at it.