Online customer service is mainly about responding to customers’ complaints, queries, and feedback. It is also the process of offering support to them over the internet. To reach your customer, you can use multiple tools or platforms such as social media, emails, messaging apps, and live chat. Just as how marketing has now become digital marketing, customer service is now online customer service. It’s not that there was a replacement, rather it is just that there is a preference howitstart.
A business’ goal is to reach as many people as possible, especially those that fall under their target market. The best way to do that is to be where everyone else is. This applies to customer service as well. So, lately, the best way to reach anybody, young or old, is through the internet, maybe by email, social media, and the like. In today’s blog, we will be discussing tips to improve your customer service quality for your customers.
Bring your notepads and pencils and let’s get started!
Be Human
One of the biggest things we often forget, or agents commonly misunderstand, is that customers are also just human. We all get angry, sad, happy, and whatnot. What the agents need to understand is that sometimes, the customer could be at their limit, which is why a little inconvenience makes them lash out.
What doesn’t help the situation, even more, is when the agents sound almost monotonous. This makes the customer think that they are not being taken seriously. So, make sure to keep that “human” factor.
Ask for Feedback
Taking feedback is another critical part of the customer service process. Every interaction you have with the customer should end with feedback from them. This way, you will know if there is something you need to improve on. Additionally, asking for feedback from the customer will make your customer happy since they will see that their words and opinions matter.
Even if the call wasn’t regarding a complaint, and just a query, asking them if they are satisfied with your answer or want to know more makes a big difference.
Let Your Customers Help Themselves
While customers will call once they face problems, many would rather just skip the whole thing. Why? Oftentimes, people would want to solve the problem themselves, without having to talk to anybody. Of course, this can be arranged as well. Many websites have resources, blogs, and guides for their products. This help customers find a solution to their problem without having to call anyone.
Meet Your Customers Where They Are
It doesn’t matter what industry you belong to, people have an account on any and almost every social media platform. This is also where they will most likely post their opinions and thoughts about your products, brand, services, etc. Furthermore, your customers don’t need to reach out to you on your phone number and might just reach you on social media platforms or email instead, so all of this should be provided for their support.
Respond as Quickly as Possible
One advantage of online customer support is that customers can reach out to customer support through live chat or any other option wherever they are. Customer support agents, similarly, can respond to customers right away or in a short time. This way, problems get solved faster and more people are tempted to do so as well. Instead of a team going from home to home, you can only send them if the problem is bigger than you think.
Train Your Support Team for Soft Skills
Instead of the common misconception that working in customer service is easy, it is anything but. It is not that you just need to learn to control your accent and voice. This is something that a person can learn over time as well. What’s more important is learning to master how you can always sound friendly over emails, live chat, and more.
Emails, for example, are usually read in a negative tone due to the formality, no matter the contents of the email. Learning how you can sound friendlier in this situation is extremely important.
De-Escalate with Care
Not every call placed to the customer support department is a positive one. Oftentimes, customers can be furious and yell insults down the line. Unfortunately, there is not much the customer service agent can do either. However, in such a situation, your customer agents should be trained to de-escalate the situation. Listen to the customer and act appropriately. Don’t rile up the customer and don’t make promises that you can’t keep either.
One Critical Point
Since we are talking about online customer service, it is pretty obvious that the internet is crucially important in all of this. Without a good internet connection, you can’t really manage to do anything. So, your first priority should be to look into a good internet connection, especially if your current connection is causing problems.
And if we were to make a suggestion, then be sure to check out WOW internet plans here! WOW is currently available in 9 states and while it is not a very big provider, it is definitely worth your money.
In the End…
Coming to the end, now you know how to improve your online customer service. We hope you were able to make some useful pointers about making changes and improvements from this blog. Even if you didn’t, just be sure to bookmark this so you can always come back and check what needs changing!